IT HAS BEGUN..."--the world is utterly unprepared for what is about to happen.

Dear Steve,

I've been watching CNBC on and off today. You can hear the fear in
their voices. As I type these words the Dow is down 244.

Our nation is reaping the direct consequence of the genocide of 56
million innocent human beings. Did anyone seriously believe that America
could skate away scot-free from this horrendous crime against humanity and
God? God will not be mocked. What we are now witnessing is the beginning
of the end. As I stated in my previous e-mail to you this morning--"IT HAS
BEGUN..."--the world is utterly unprepared for what is about to happen.
Even the "preppers" will be stunned. And I reiterate that the sun will do
something "massive" in the first week of February.

Again, you could hear the fear in their voices on CNBC. Even as I
type these words, their commentators are poo-pooing today's fall.

Steve, next week will be pretty much the final week for people to
stock up on food gasoline, etc. Once we have entered February, God will
unleash His full wrath upon this unrepentent, wicked world. It is time for
those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour to go on
our knees and pray, pray, pray.

It has begun...Praise God!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Jan 24, 2014

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