Little Russian Girl when asked: what does your Daddy do that he moved you all here and the girl replied, hes here to shoot and kill Americans

Steve, my mother just called in tears describing her horror story and
validation of foreign troops in Danville, VA. My family farms in NC not
far from Danville, VA and their neighbor (Bob) works in Danville to be near
his family and first born grandchild. Often Bob will watch his
granddaughter who attends school in Danville and brings her and friends
over to my parents farm. Yesterday Bob brought his 2nd grade granddaughter
and her new girlfriend and mother to meet my parents. My mother welcomed
them all as usual but noticed both had accents which made her that more
inquisitive. After a short tour of the farm, looking at some wild deer and
came into the house. Being cordial mom passed out cookies and said I
detect an accent, do you mind if I ask where you were from and the little
girl said they just moved here from Russia. My mother replied, oh thats
along way to come to Virginia, what does your Daddy do that he moved you
all here and the girl replied, hes here to shoot and kill Americans. The
little girls mother instantly broke down crying, saying its true, grabbed
the daughter and left. My parents were shocked and while theyve heard
rumors they never expected to hear this from a child.

Feb 26, 2014

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