MINNEAPOLIS 7:59 MDT- Heads up at least half a dozen c-130's just took off in a northwesterly direction and we only have two at MSP.

Hi Steve,
Just gat a call from my husband working now in Minneapolis and told me to
read the text he sent me. I'm home from work an hour away. He was in the
4th of the 325 82nd airborne end of 93 to 98, blended to 3rd of 325 because
the rest of the 4th was in Italy. Anyway, it reads Heads up at least half
a dozen c-130's just took off in a northwesterly direction and we only have
two at MSP. I called my son because he lives in Minneapolis to give heads
up. Then I called my husband back and asked where did you hear this? He
said I SAW IT. Danny, a co worker, was outside and saw them and got me.
I only saw half a dozen and missed the first 2 or more. He then said you
know what that means don't you? They are dropping in airborne? he said
the only thing I know you need half a dozen or more c-130's is to drop in
the airborne.

Mar 14, 2014

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