The Big News is I've traced the SMARTMETER Creation and funding back to 475 Riverside Interfaith Center Rockefeller Funding and a contract with US DEPARTMENT OF Energy and Columbia U. for billions in bailout money for this SMARTMETER Crap.
Go to: "Center For Computational Learning Systems "475 Riverside NY NY Same Building as Rockefeller Brothers Fund at The Interfaith Center Ecumenical Unity "God Box" building. This group is part of Columbia University. Columbia University is tight with Rockefellers as they originally owned the land that the Interfaith Center as well as most of the other 19 skyscrapers Rockefellers Own, some 70 floors high constructed by JohnD. Rockefeller during the ending of the depression. Rockefeller leased the land from Columbia University, bought it later for $425 million and sold again to Japenese Mitsubishi corp, later bought again and partners with Columbia U.
The Big News is I've traced the SMARTMETER Creation and funding back to 475 Riverside Interfaith Center Rockefeller Funding and a contract with US DEPARTMENT OF Energy and Columbia U. for billions in bailout money for this SMARTMETER Crap. Search Smart Meters Bad to see why we are sick, dying, low energy and more. There are 2 Globalists working with about a dozen gifted students from all over the world in this infested building on the smartmeter program. The Jesuits scan the countries for these gifted students, Rockefeller gives them great scholarships to Jesuit Schools mostly Georgetown University where they are brainwashed and developed into these teams to facilitate NEW WORLD ORDER projects. I've tried every way I can to get you the direct links to this evidence tonight but they are all over me. All kinds of blocking is occurring on my computer.
Mar 16, 2014
