U.S. training program in Ukraine is called RAPID Trident. Notice the car commercial that shows the Trident symbolism while the car is moving VERY FAST..."Rapid Trident"... what the heck?

One more thing, Notice the US training program in Ukraine is called RAPID Trident. Notice the car commercial that shows the Trident symbolism while the car is moving VERY FAST..."Rapid Trident"... what the heck?

I said once before that I think this is something like "forecasting their devices". They are using a form of witchcraft that I call "Reality Forecasting" which is really just what I think "Forecasting their devices" means. They actually forecast what they are going to do by subliminally planting their "forecasts" into the minds of the masses. But it it not just for the heck of it--I think that this is a form of reality structuring that Satan uses. The more people that "agree" (does not matter if it is subliminal and the people don't actually know) with Satan on his plans the stronger the are able to plant those plans into reality and cause them to come to fruition; cause and effect type thing. Kind of like this, ever hear the New Agers say something like "think on the reality that you want for yourself and it will manifest"? Assuming there is something to this concept (personally I think there is) well then imagine if you can trick about 150 million people into "thinking" the reality that you want to manifest for yourself? More people, more power to manifest their will. However, there is a huge problem for Satan in doing this, what if a few Saints pick up on it all? We are the ones with the authority right? It only takes 2 or 3 of God's Witnesses to thwart their devices. I think all this Illuminati forecasting crap is absolute evil rubbish and it will not amount to a hill of beans in the end--not to put words in your mouth Stephen, but I assume you think something similar? That would make 2 witnesses against their "devices"--that means they have already lost....:)

Mikhael : Now here is something real crazy: There is a trident for a Logo on the missing Malaysian plane right? Where is that plane gonna end up?? Perhaps there is a hint in the car commercial! It's for a "Mazerati Ghibli". I entered this phrase into my anagram finder and this is what it came up with--No JOKE! "Mega Air Blitz Hi".

Mar 16, 2014

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