Well today at work a man came through with a strong Russian accent and when I asked him where he was from he got a strange look on his face and said "I cannot disclose that information

Brother Steve! I have been following all of the stories about folks running
into Russians in america. Well today at work a man came through with a
strong Russian accent and when I asked him where he was from he got a
strange look on his face and said "I cannot disclose that information". No
normal person would say that. They would simply say something like "well
that's personal information". Only someone in govt or law enforcement would
say something like that. After he said that I got a sharp chill up my spine
and as I looked into his eyes the Holy Spirit showed me a darkness in that
man and it immediately clicked what he is in america to do... when the time
comes.. you know where this is going. Also, my next door neighbor is a
veteran and recently we spotted a dark blue truck parked behind his house,
and then we watched two men in suits get out and walk around the property
taking pictures. You see these stories happening to other people but you
never think it will happen to you.. Redeem the time for the days are short.
G-d bless! Thank you !

Mar 28, 2014

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