What's With The Massive Grain Movement Activity? This is huge!

Last Week on Route 20 Northwestern Nebraska, Massive movement of grain semi's occured. Every elevator had nearly traffic jams of grain semi's loading up. I've lived here 20 yrs now and never saw anything like this. They went south by my place on route 87 non stop during the nite. Is Russia/China buying all the wheat and corn before confrontation occurs? Or has the massive Fed Elevator Facility been completed?
I heard they were building a central massive elevator in Colorado that all local elevators would deliver to that "was more easily defended and protected for food security reasons". Just so happens this facility was to be contructed over a Continuity of Government DUMBS facility. How Convenient. Can't chance leaving food supply in the hands of the locals can we. The Patriots might be able to feed themselves and others. I'll bet these local elevators are nearly empty. I asked around town, Nobody knows anything, Ho Hum! Can't tell me where it's all going.
Not important to the sheeple I guess.TIM

Apr 14, 2014

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