The American Church has committed sins of omission. They have been complicit by remaining silent.


It is appalling to witness the American Church stand on the sidelines, unaffected, unbothered by the succession of atrocities. No uproar with socialism instituted in the early 1900s, no questions when prayer and the Bible were removed from public schools, no conscience with infanticide being legalized (and later funded with the Peoples' monies via taxes), no issue with 501C3 where faith is subjected to government, not moved to stop attacks on religious liberties, not caring about Christians being slain worldwide and imprisoned, not disheartened with traditional marriage being marginalized.

The American Church has committed sins of omission. They have been complicit by remaining silent. They have approved of this hellishness with their unwillingness to restrain it...'salt' without's useful for nothing BUT TO BE TREAD UNDER THE PATH OF MEN. And that day is coming. And when it does, the American Church better not cry out to God as we are steamrolled under. For in that hour, I imagine God will not hear our cries nor regard our plight, as we did not hear the cries nor regard the plight of millions upon millions who have--and other who are yet--suffering barbaric atrocities. No, God will render unto us the same stance that we took on all of these matters: SILENCE...utter silence.JOE FROM TEXAS

May 8, 2014

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