One wonders if this is ISIS riding on the back of the beast, Mystery Babylon, and will she be the usher of Horus, her child, the Anti-Christ.
It's come to the point that many are not surprised at the use of ancient names and symbols when naming today's technologies, programs etc. The Lucifer Observatory run by the Vatican being just one example but there are many many more and happening with greater frequency. And now we have ISIS. (I'm wondering if Tom Horn has any thoughts on this?)
ISIS is one of the most ancient goddesses of Egypt, possibly predating even those ancient societies. She was known as the goddess of creation and the goddess of destruction and said to be "more powerful than a thousand soldiers" in ancient Egypt but had many other titles and different names in different cultures. She was the mother of Horus. Horus is an alternative name for Lucifer. I'd encourage others to research her on the net and her role in ancient mystery religions.
One wonders what this means in not just the political (ISIS as a militant group, with it's strength and brutally destructive powers) but the spiritual realms (goddess of destruction and mother of Horus, who protected and hid him until his time of maturity). One wonders if this is ISIS riding on the back of the beast, Mystery Babylon, and will she be the usher of Horus, her child, the Anti-Christ.
Steve in doing a little more research on these connections this morning I found a site on a movement to resurrect Isis worldwide. Here she is described as "She was born amongst a race of Homo sapiens who had a flat forehead and one eyebrow without the gap at the middle. Isis had a high rounded forehead and a parted eyebrow. She was a mutant." Nephlim? (
Jun 26, 2014
