
I find the blessing does not always come as a direct result of the topic in which you have introduced but the things that are mentioned "between the lines".

Dear Steve - Thank You for your ministry of Applicable Truth. There is soooo much gleaned from the many publications you have done. I find the blessing does not always come as a direct result of the topic in which you have introduced but the things that are mentioned "between the lines". You once stated in a radio interview that God would take the backslider as his bride. Being a person who has woefully, regretfully, found themselves in a backslidden way.... and had become convinced that in that place of darkness had no value to God; your statement was such a magnificent, penetrating, light into that darkness that it brought this woman to her knees before our Lord & allowed for the tearing away of those ropes and chains which bound me in that belief that I had no value! Although I may have received a few rope burns & bruises in the process of being freed..... Well worth the struggle to be weightless and bright in the Glory of God!! Thank You for remembering that All and I do mean All of us have value in the eyes of the Lord.
In this same interview you also mentioned your vision of Heaven and the waterfall of majestic, vibrant, flowers you were shown. I can't help but envision this with you and keep finding myself thinking..... Oh what a glorious sound those soft, vibrant, petals must make as they sing unto the Lord?!!?!?! God is magnificent in the purest, most unexpected ways.
Peace to you, Dear Brother...


Nov 5, 2015

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