
Hear in Serbia, we enjoy to listen your radio shows on You Tube, especially on Hagmann and Hagmann. I want to say big Thank You for everything you do for mankind, and sons and daughters of Adam around the world.

Dear mister Steve,

Hear in Serbia, we enjoy to listen your radio shows on You Tube, especially on Hagmann and Hagmann. I want to say big Thank You for everything you do for mankind, and sons and daughters of Adam around the world.

Youre vocal sounds are perfect and we enjoyng to listen youre words. You are almost unique in the West! What I want to say? In the protestant christian world many preachers are O. K. but in that socio/cultural environment many other preaches talking slowly, not loud and with no passions for christianity and oure Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, King of Kings, oure Saviour. They sounds like they are shame on Him and His teaching. I dont know why they whispering their beliving? With no passions. Is it some kind of custom in the West?

However, in our Orthodox Christianity oure ortodox preachers, majority of them, talking in the churches like you, loud and with the passions for our Lord Jesus Christ. Ordinary people also do that on that way. For oure cultural habits you Steve completely look and sound like one of us. And we can understand you completely. Do youre sure that you do not have some serbians ancestors?

I think that in the West you have problems with PC (political correctness), and it during the years deform youre collectivly way of speaking. Every speaking with emotions and passions you declare for one way of aggressive behavior. What a trick! Ugly and clever.

In some European ortodox christians countries way of speaking like youre, Alex Jones, and Donald Trump is completely normal and O. K., but in USA and west of EU they look you like some kind of strange people.
So, number one homework for West EU and USA is to learn to again speak loude and with the passions and not like some freaks shows zombies.

Again, Thank You Steve for everything you do for mankind, and God bless you.


Feb 4, 2016

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