
FROM GERMANY-- I am refreshed to hear your biblical take on world events, your belief in the King James Bible and of the emphasis on the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Bro Steve,
I visit your website daily and appreciate you and understand the times that
we live in. I wanted to simply say thanks. I am a missionary in Germany
and have lived here for 16 years and pastor a church just north of
Frankfurt. Christianity here, has never been a bible based, Christ
centred, Gospel preaching power; but rather an appeasement to the masses
and is at best a religious tradition with no saving power. The troubling
thing is that amount other (real) Christians, they refuse to even have a
discussion of the evil that has enveloped our known world. The status quo
Christianity is being propagated and it comforts and distracts from the
workings of the god of this world. I am refreshed to hear your biblical
take on world events, your belief in the King James Bible and of the
emphasis on the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you were ever to be in
Germany please contact me.

In Christ Jesus,

Mar 2, 2016

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