
WOW-I am a 'Deborah'- in Judges 5:7 it says that when war came to the city gates; of the 40,000 in Israel - "they would not fight" "...they did not come to help The Lord".

Hi Steve
I've only just started to listen to your radio programs this past week-
thank you so much for standing for God and speaking truth and also to the
people who broadcast with- you are brothers in The Lord to me.
I live in Sydney, Australia and I'm not aware of anything like what you do
here- but happy to know otherwise.
In the meantime- I'll keep on listening, it's an opportunity for me to rest
from the sense of frustration I have with the status quo church.
I am part of a church which Has a heart for God and that's great - but
there isn't much time given to what you and others are addressing.
My gut is wrenching because the hour is urgent and I'm gonna have to start
I heard you mention that critics say you are crude or rude- I don't hear
that, I hear the sound of watchman, warrior, man of God and realist - it's
refreshing to hear someone with fight cause we are gonna need it now.
Here is my frustration -
I am a 'Deborah'- in Judges 5:7 it says that when war came to the city
gates; of the 40,000 in Israel - "they would not fight" "...they did not
come to help The Lord".
It says the stars fought- they fought from their courses, the river and the
horses fought
Here we are asking people to wake up, grow up, grow a spine!
Anyways- as Deborah said "my heart is with Israels proinces...with the
Please know there are those of us here who and watching and praying- now
they'll be listening in to you folks as well.
Stay strong in The Lord and in the power of His Might- you can count us

Mar 2, 2016

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