I also realized that if Jesus could forgive you(SQ) he would also forgive me. Finally that fear that I had for so many years went away and I asked God to forgive me for all my sins and I asked Jesus into my heart
Dear Steve
My name is Luis and about a year ago I was on YouTube and I decided to search for some of your radio interviews. I had heard you before on Coast to Coast and Alex Jones. There was a show that caught my attention called unseen evil entities on Omegaman show. As I began to listen to the show you prayed and gave your testimony. I could relate to the kind of lifestyle you had and when you said that you got to meet Jesus face to face I thought to myself wow that man is lucky I wish I could meet Jesus. I also realized that if Jesus could forgive you he would also forgive me. Finally that fear that I had for so many years went away and I asked God to forgive me for all my sins and I asked Jesus into my heart. Soon after that my wife and daughter also got saved. We have been baptized and have found a good church. I have heard many shows with you and pastor David Lankford on Hagman and Hagman. You two have been a blessing to me and I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will continue to pray for you both and your families. I wish you success in all you do and bless you in Jesus name.
Mar 4, 2016
