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PIZARRO'S CHRONICLERSTHIS REPRODUCTION LIFE SIZE SKULL (Above), ALONG WITH ANOTHER TRUE TO SIZE, MIND BLOWING 12 FOOT GIANT REPRODUCTION WILL BE ON DISPLAY AT THE GEN 6 TRUE LEGENDS CONFERENCE IN BRANSON MISSOURI-SEPT 14-16TH . REGISTER AT Gensix.com ![]() Peruvian Eyewitness AccountsIn the mid-16th century, 168 Spanish conquistadorsOne of the most detailed accounts of giants in Peru was written by renowned conquistador and chronicler Pedro Cieza (pronounced see-es-a) de Leon who recorded a popular legend among the natives concerning giants that landed on the peninsula of Santa Elena The natives say that the giants were so large that a man of common stature measured only up to their knees. Pedro Cieza de Leon When the giants landed at Santa Elena they built massive houses and dug extremely deep wells. The infamous houses of the giants were still standing, and their wells were still in use, during and after the conquest of Peru, and are referenced numerous times in the historical records from that era. It was said that a single giant consumed more food than fifty of the natives combined. The natives hated the giants, not only because they were consuming all of their food, but also because they were taking and killing their women by attempting to have intercourse with them. Basically the giants were raping the women to death. One day, while they were engaged in the act, a bright angel appeared in the sky above them wielding a shining sword. He threw fire and lightning down on the giants until they were completely consumed in the flames, and only their charred bones remained as a testimony of their judgment. Francisco Pizarro and his men saw the bones with their own eyes while passing through Santa Elena. [Francisco Pizarro and his company] arrived at Puerto Viejo, and to Santa Elena, where they saw a large quantity of bones of giants, that according to their proportion, were 20 palms [15 ft. approx.] tall (the Indians had a tradition concerning these giants, that they were people from before the flood, because giants of such huge size were never known to exist while others say that they were sodomites, and that in one day fire fell from heaven and consumed them all Antonio de la Calancha 1663 in the year 1543, Captain Juan Olmos, native of Trujillo, hearing of all these things, conducted an excavation in that valley, where he found such gigantic ribs and other bones, that if the heads had not been found with them, it would not have been believable that they were human beings;
Agustín de Zárate in the province of Tucumán and Tarija; in the latter of these a whole body was discovered beneath the ravine, or bank of a river, that the water, having eroding the bank, had unearthed; it was so massive, that its grave occupied a very large space, and its skull was so abnormally gigantic, that some of the Spaniards, thrusting their swords through its eye socket, could barely reach the back side of its head with the points of their blades. he found something during the conquest of Tucumán; this gentlemen used to say that, while marching in that conquest, they discovered an ossuary [repository of bones] that appeared to contain more than a hundred human bodies, and all of the bones belonged to enormous giants, and he himself thrust his sword through one of the skulls, and the whole blade passed into the cavity. Bernabé Cobo Pablo José Arriaga They took us to the other side of the village, about a quarter of a league, where a very large cave was, and in it many dead gentiles, and among them were three bodies of giants with deformed heads [elongated skulls] dressed in cumbi [ceremonial cloth], but rotted with time. These [giants] are the progenitors of all this people, whom they worshipped and revered; there were many traces of [human] sacrifices; they [the Official Inspectors] burned the bodies in the village.
Antonio de la Calancha September, 1630, a mestizo boy eighteen years old was brought to Lima from Huamanga, named Juan Núñez, who was 8.5 feet tall, and with feet more than a foot and a half long. He has since died in Pisco.
These giants seem to have been everywhere, since so many have seen them and affirmed their existence, and they might even all be of the same race.
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