Favorite Places - Wilderness Photography Book by Steve Quayle

Journey through Steve Quayle's world of photography.
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Favorite Places
Wilderness Photography

Favorite Places is a stunning photography book of high mountain wilderness areas of Montana, Wyoming coupled with volcanic peaks and valleys of Hawaii - photographed by Steve Quayle.

12.6" tall 27" wide

101 PHOTOS - 203 PAGES

The high mountain wilderness area's of montana and wyoming, coupled with the volcanic peaks and valleys of Hawaii, have been my studio for the past 40 years. Due to my close proximity to Yellowstone national park, Glacier national park and the Grand Tetons, I have been able to photograph Yellowstone park in depth yearly, for over forty years. Glacier national park or the ‘highway to heaven' with its majesty and beauty is one of the most gorgeous jewels on the planet and literally overwhelms your senses with beauty and the magnitude of "God's creative splendor". The Grand Tetons, made famous by ansel adams black and white photographs, delight viewers world wide. The Absaroka-Beartooth wilderness area is the highest mountain plateau in the continental usa and is a photographic treasure hunt that provides new treasures every step of the way. Montana is called the treasure state due to our abundant mineral wealth and vast natural resources-but may I suggest, it also be called - Montana "a photographers treasure chest".

For the past five years, in order to photograph the grandeur and splendor of what is impossible any other way to cover, helicopters have become 'my tripod'.Yellowstone park with its unusual palette of colors is unique to all the world! Geysers, geyser pools, lakes and bubbling fountains, along with it's own weather systems and wildlife are sensory overload and truly a walk through a "geology book" in real time! The crazy mountains and the Gallatin Mountain range contain the high mountain lakes, that bring hikers and fisherman from all over the world to Bozeman, Montana. Montana's sights and outdoors are still, not only a breath of fresh air, but a place you must visit at least once in your life. Thank you for taking the time to share my photographic experiences and images through the lens with me.

Stephen Quayle, May 2014-Bozeman, Montana!

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